Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Summer is wonderful!!

However it is almost over.... technically it is, but we are trying to stretch it as far as we can.

Brent just got one of his dreams to come true......... He has always wanted a Ford Mustang and he finally got one.
Here is L taking a ride in the "tang" she thought it was really cool to be riding in a car with no roof!!

We also got to go on a cruise to Alaska during the last few weeks. It was a wonderful experience... someone said "it was like being in a National Geographic" it was so beautiful. Here we are in Ketchakan when we got off the boat for the first time

Then after seeing an awsome logging show we went kayaking across the channel

In Juno we canoed across a lake to the Mendenhall Glacier.... what an experience that was!! it was HUGE and that waterfall we named the little Niagra...... we loved it!!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

A wonderful post! Great pictures!!

Isn't this just one of the most wonderful trips you've ever done? We took the Alaska cruise trip just before coming on this mission. We'll be going again:-)

So-ooo glad you could do it! Good to see you. Looks like you had a great time.