well about 75% of you will really completely understand. . .FORKS WAS AWESOME!!!
* i truly love camping why cant it be done more often
* i love being a bookaholic, it opens up so many worlds
* as much as i love Oregon and i will probably have some separation anxiety, i am getting very anxious to move
* i cant wait to have book moments and quilting moments and four wheeling moments, and baby moments with my family!
* it really is a good feeling knowing your bosses love you so much they want you to stick around (lets hope ALL my bosses want me to stick around)
* God is truly an artist!
* saw the movie Stardust, its was so good a feel good like Princess Bride
* once i make a decision i have no patience, i want to go NOW!
* i can not seem to master self control! and i hate the vulnerability of it!!
* Pres. Faust is loved and will be missed
* people are dumb (why are we the only smart ones, it seems unfair!)
* the girls working at the pharmacy in FORKS still have not gotten their copy of Eclipse because the store sold out before they got there . . . that is a true travesty